DW Documentary



Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle commonly shortened to DW is a German public, state-owned international broadcaster funded by the German federal tax budget.

DW - Breaking World News

New design, new navigation options, unlimited content, no ads, and no pop-ups. Receive independent news and analysis of the most important events from ...

DW News (@dwnews)

From the ❤️ of Europe, featuring our global network of reporters: we bring you trustworthy news. And also take a look at the bright side. · 9,220 posts · 822K ...


News, off-beat stories and analysis of German and international affairs. Dive deeper with our features from Europe and beyond. Watch our 24/7 TV stream.


德國之聲(德語:Deutsche Welle,簡寫:DW)是按《德國之聲法案》(Deutsche Welle Act)設立,是一家由德國國家稅收預算資助的德國公共、國有的國際廣播公司。


DeutscheWellecommonlyshortenedtoDWisaGermanpublic,state-ownedinternationalbroadcasterfundedbytheGermanfederaltaxbudget.,Newdesign,newnavigationoptions,unlimitedcontent,noads,andnopop-ups.Receiveindependentnewsandanalysisofthemostimportanteventsfrom ...,Fromthe❤️ofEurope,featuringourglobalnetworkofreporters:webringyoutrustworthynews.Andalsotakealookatthebrightside.·9,220posts·822K ...,News,off-...